Prime Minister Theresa May will trigger Article 50 on Wednesday 29 March, starting the historic process of pulling the UK out of the European Union.
The move paves the way for two years of negotiations with the EU, meaning that the country is expected to be out of the bloc in March 2019.
It comes nine months after the country voted to leave in a 23 June referendum by a 52%-48% majority.
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:: What happens when Article 50 is triggered?
Brexit Secretary David Davis said: “Last June, the people of the UK made the historic decision to leave the EU.
“Next Wednesday, the Government will deliver on that decision and formally start the process by triggering Article 50.
“We are on the threshold of the most important negotiation for this country for a generation.
“The Government is clear in its aims: a deal that works for every nation and region of the UK and indeed for all of Europe – a new, positive partnership between the UK and our friends and allies in the European Union.”
The move was announced in London after Britain’s envoy to Brussels, Sir Tim Barrow, informed the office of EU President Donald Tusk in the morning.
“We want negotiations to start promptly,” said Downing Street.
A spokesman for the European Commission said: “Everything is ready on this side. We are waiting for notification.”
Mr Tusk tweeted that “within 48 hours of the UK triggering Article 50, I will present the draft #Brexit guidelines to the EU27 Member States.”
The notification marks the first time the Article 50 provisions, which outline the process for any EU member state to pull out of the union, have been activated. Just days before, on 25 March, the leaders will gather in Italy to mark the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome.
Notification of the historic step will come in the form of a letter from the Prime Minister to Mr Tusk.
Mr May will then address MPs in a statement to the House of Commons following her regular weekly session of Prime Minister’s Questions.
The process of leaving the EU will involve delicate talks over trade.
Speaking to MPs on the Brexit select committee, Mr Davis said last week the Government had not done an assessment of the economic impact of the UK leaving the EU without a trade deal.
Mrs May has said she would rather walk away from the negotiating table than accept a bad deal.
The Article 50 announcement was made as Mrs May visits Wales as part of the Government’s effort to convince the devolved nations that their input will help shape its Brexit negotiations.